Biophysics of Ionizing Radiation and Radiation Safety
Biophysik ionisierender Strahlen und Strahlenschutz
ME5050: | Medical Engineering Science |
Molecular Life Science (prior to 2016) | |
ME5050-KP05: | Biophysics |
Molecular Life Science (starting 2016) |
Place and time:
see UnivIS
- Physics of ionizing radiation
- Basic principles of dosimetry
- Introduction to methods of radiation measurement
- Radiation biology: principles of radiation damage, deterministic and stochastic effects, health risks caused by ionizing radiation
- Radiation chemistry, handling of open and enclosed radioactive materials
- Safety requirements in radionuclide laboratories
- Application of radionuclides in research and medicine
- German and international laws and regulations dealing with radiation safety
General information:
Credit points: 4 (ME5050) / 5 (ME5050-KP05)
Language: offered only in German
Grading through: continuous, successful participation and written exam
Further information:
See Moodle for teaching materials and any further information.

- Teaching
- Study Programme Medical Engineering Science
- Study Programme Medical Microtechnology
- Lübecker IngenieurInnen Labor
- Lectures
- Biophysics of Ionizing Radiation and Radiation Safety
- Clinical Medicine
- Computed Tomography
- Fields and Quanta
- Image Processing
- Introduction to Medical Engineering
- Introduction to Medical Engineering for Health Sciences
- Inverse Problems in Imaging
- Lecture Series Industrial Medical Engineering
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Medical Imaging
- Nuclear Imaging
- Physics 1
- Physics 2
- Quantum Physics in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy
- Signals and Systems in Medical Imaging
- Visualization Technology
- Laboratory Courses
- Seminar
- Student Projects
Please refer to Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Schmidt of the Isotopes Laboratory for further information.