Algorithms and Modelling for Particle Therapy Verification and Theranostics
In particle therapy, beams of energetic protons or certain ions are used to irradiate tumors or other types of diseased tissue. The interaction of therapeutic particle beams in matter is characterized by a very well-defined range, a high-dose deposition localized in a small region (the Bragg peak), and a steep dose gradient at the distal edge of the Bragg peak. These features imply that possible uncertainties in the determination of the particle range might have severe consequences, such as tumor under-dosage, or the irradiation of healthy tissue. Therefore, safety margins are applied to ensure full treatment of the tumor.
These safety margins could be reduced if the actual dose deposition is quantified with high precision. For this purpose, verification methods aimed to determine the range of the particle beam are under investigation worldwide. Most of these methods are based on the detection of secondary radiation. For example, positron emitting nuclei are created along the beam path; their decay and subsequent annihilation of the emitted positrons give rise to two annihilation photons, which can be detected using similar technology as in Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Another important effect is the excitation of nuclei along the particle path; these nuclei return to their ground state by emitting single gamma rays. Due to the very short half-life of these excited states, these gamma rays are also called prompt gamma radiation.
Our research activities focus on image reconstruction for particle range verification, mainly tomographic Prompt Gamma Imaging (PGI) using Compton cameras, but also in-beam PET. To that end, we employ our in-house implementations of the Maximum-Likelihood Expectation-Maximization (ML-EM) and statistical Origin-Ensemble (OE) algorithms, as well as Bayesian reconstruction approaches. Furthermore, we are investigating novel reconstruction techniques based on Prompt Gamma Timing (PGT) measurements to indirectly determine the particle range and other physical quantities like the stopping power.

- The project is financially supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under grant agreements COMMA no. 383681334 and PROSIT no. 516587313.
- The project is supported by the North German Supercomputing Alliance (Norddeutscher Verbund für Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechnen – HLRN), project no.shp00028.
- The project was supported by a mobility fellowship within the IFI program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
- SiFi-CC collaboration
- Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Sezione di Torino, Italy
- Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC), CSIC-UV, Valencia
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- Research
- Biochemical Engineering
- Magnetic Particle Imaging
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Nuclear Imaging
- Breast PET/MRI Insert Prototype
- Dedicated Prostate PET Scanner
- Particle Therapy Verification and Theranostics
- AI for dose reduction and denoising in PET
- Completed Projects
- Image Computing
- X-Ray Based Imaging
- Completed Projects