M.Sc. Julius Friedemann Werner

Photo of Julius Friedemann  Werner

Institut für Medizintechnik
Universität zu Lübeck
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck
Gebäude 64, Raum 024

Email: friedemann.werner(at)uni-luebeck.de
Phone: +49 451 3101 5446


Research Assistant


Research Interests

  • Image Reconstruction
  • Particle Therapy Verification
  • Prompt Gamma Timing

Curriculum Vitae

JULIUS FRIEDEMANN WERNER was born in Oranienburg, Germany in 1998. He received his Bachelor of Science in Medical Engineering in 2019 followed by his Master of Science in Medical Engineering from the University of Lübeck in 2022. He wrote his master thesis in collaboration with the Turin section of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN). During his studies he was mainly interested in image processing and reconstruction with a focus on particle therapy verification. Since February 2022 he is a research assistant at the Institute of Medical Engineering in the field of nuclear imaging.


2025[ to top ]
  • Kasprzak, J., Roser, J., Werner, J., Kohlhase, N., Bolke, A., Kaufmann, L.-M. and Rafecas, M.: Regularized origin ensemble with a beam prior for range verification in particle therapy with Compton-camera data, Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2025, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6560/adbfd8.
2024[ to top ]
  • Roser, J., Kasprzak, J., Llosá, G., Werner, J. and Rafecas, M.: Background reduction of Compton-camera based 3D imaging for range verification in proton therapy, 1–1, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/NSS/MIC/RTSD57108.2024.10655232.
  • Werner, J., Ferrero, V., Aglietta, M., Cerello, P., Fiorina, E., Kasprzak, J., Mas Milian, F., Mostardi, F., Pullia, M., Roser, J., Schmid, N., Pennazio, F. and Rafecas, M.: In-beam measurement of stopping power using multi-detector Prompt Gamma Timing in proton therapy, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmp.2024.103890.
  • Ranjbar, S., Data, E., Milian, F. M., Bersani, D., Cerello, P., Cirio, R., Ferrero, V., Mazinani, M. F., Giordanengo, S., Hosseini, M. A., Lombardo, E., Montalvan-Olivares, D. M., Pullia, M., Savazzi, S., Sacchi, R., Vignati, A., Werner, J., Pennazio, F. and Fiorina, E.: First Prompt Gamma Timing measurements with carbon ions, 1–1, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/NSS/MIC/RTSD57108.2024.10655573.
  • Roser, J., Kasprzak, J., Llosá, G., Werner, J. and Rafecas, M.: Background Reduction in Compton-Camera Based 3D Imaging by Using a Non-Uniform Discretization of the Field-of-View, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmp.2024.104168.
  • Werner, J., Pennazio, F., Schmid, N., Fiorina, E., Bersani, D., Cerello, P., Kasprzak, J., Mosco, N., Ranjbar, S., Sacchi, R., Ferrero, V. and Rafecas, M.: Stopping power and range estimations in proton therapy based on prompt gamma timing: motion models and automated parameter optimization, Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2024, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6560/ad5d4b.
  • Werner, J., Schmidt, M., Pennazio, F., Roser, J., Kasprzak, J., Ferrero, V. and Rafecas, M.: An Analytical System Response Model for Spatiotemporal Emission Reconstruction from Multi-Detector Prompt Gamma Timing, 1–1, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/NSS/MIC/RTSD57108.2024.10655960.
  • Fiorina, E., Mas Milian, F., Bersani, D., Cerello, P., Cirio, R., Data, E., Donetti, M., Ferrero, V., Fadavi Mazinani, M., Hosseini, M. A., Lombardo, E., Montalvan-Olivares, D. M., Pennazio, F., Pullia, M., Ranjbar, S., Vignati, A., Werner, J., Sacchi, R. and Giordanengo, S.: Innovative Integrated Beam Monitor and Range Verification System Designed for a Superconducting Multi-Ion Gantry for Particle Therapy, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmp.2024.103884.
  • Kasprzak, J., Roser, J., Werner, J. and Rafecas, M.: Image Reconstruction with Regularized Origin Ensemble for Proton-Therapy Range Verification with a Compton Camera and Heterogeneous Targets, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmp.2024.103920.
  • Data, E., Milian, F. M., Abujami, M., Bersani, D., Cerello, P., Donetti, M., Fadavi Mazinani, M., Ferrero, V., Fiorina, E., Garbolino, S., Hosseini, M. A., Montalvan-Olivares, D. M., Pennazio, F., Pullia, M., Ranjbar, S., Werner, J., Wheadon, R. J., Vignati, A., Cirio, R., Sacchi, R. and Giordanengo, S.: A novel detector for 4D tracking in particle therapy, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 169690, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2024.169690.
2023[ to top ]
  • Vo, H., Seeger, S., Werner, J. and Rafecas, M.: Towards Full-body Small Aquatic Animal PET: a Simulation Study of MERMAID-v2, 1–1, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/NSSMICRTSD49126.2023.10338525.
  • Seeger, S., Vo, H., Florack, C., Werner, J., Schmidt, C. and Rafecas, M.: First Images from MERMAID, a Small Aquatic Animal PET Scanner Prototype, 1–1, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/NSSMICRTSD49126.2023.10338697.
  • Ferrero, V., Aglietta, M., Cerello, P., Fiorina, E., Rafecas, M., Vignati, A., Werner, J. and Pennazio, F.: A new approach to evaluate the stopping power of clinical beams for proton therapy optimization, Physica Medica, 115, 102698, 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmp.2023.102698.
  • Kasprzak, J., Werner, J., Schadow, L. and Rafecas, M.: Regularisation of the Origin-Ensemble algorithm with a "Beam Prior" for Particle-Range Verification, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/NSSMICRTSD49126.2023.10337946.
  • Ferrero, V., Werner, J., Aglietta, M., Cerello, P., Fiorina, E., Mas Milian, F., Mostardi, F., Pennazio, F., Pullia, M., Sacchi, R., Vignati, A. and Rafecas, M.: Proton therapy treatment verification: a spatio-temporal emission reconstruction with experimental data, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/NSSMICRTSD49126.2023.10337908.
2022[ to top ]
  • Ferrero, V., Werner, J., Aglietta, M., Cerello, P., Fiorina, E., Gorgi, A., Vignati, A., Rafecas, M. and Pennazio, F.: The MERLINO project:characterization of LaBr3:Ce detectors for stopping power monitoring in proton therapy, Journal of Instrumentation, 17(11), C11013, 2022, DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/17/11/C11013.
  • Pennazio, F., Ferrero, V., D’Onghia, G., Garbolino, S., Fiorina, E., Villarreal, O. A. M., Milian, F. M., Monaco, V., Monti, V., Patera, A., Werner, J., Wheadon, R. and Rafecas, M.: Proton therapy monitoring: spatiotemporal emission reconstruction with prompt gamma timing and implementation with PET detectors, Physics in Medicine & Biology, 67(6), 065005, 2022, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6560/ac5765.
  • Werner, J., Ferrero, V., Aglietta, M., Cerello, P., Fiorina, E., Bolke, A., Kasprzak, J., Vignati, A., Pennazio, F. and Rafecas, M.: TOF-ULET: In-beam Stopping Power Estimation using Prompt Gamma Timing towards Adaptive Charged Particle Therapy, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/NSS/MIC44845.2022.10399132.
  • Pennazio, F., Werner, J., Aglietta, M., Cerello, P., Fiorina, E., Garbolino, S., Monaco, V., Vignati, A., Wheadon, R., Ferrero, V. and Rafecas, M.: Proton Therapy Treatment Monitoring: Prompt Gamma Emission Reconstruction in the Time and Space Domain, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/NSS/MIC44845.2022.10399204.
  • Ferrero, V., Werner, J., Cerello, P., Fiorina, E., Vignati, A., Pennazio, F. and Rafecas, M.: Estimating the stopping power distribution during proton therapy: A proof of concept, Frontiers in Physics, 2022, DOI: 10.3389/fphy.2022.971767.


Julius J. Friedemann Werner, Iterative Rekonstruktion der Energiespektren prompter Gammastrahlung mittels Compton-Kameras für die Anwendung in der Partikeltherapie, Bachelor thesis, Institute of Medical Engineering, University of Lübeck, 2019

Julius J. Friedemann Werner, Stopping power estimation from prompt gamma timing data for particle therapy verification, Master thesis, Institute of Medical Engineering, University of Lübeck, 2022