M.Sc. Moritz Schaar

Photo of Moritz  Schaar

Fraunhofer-Einrichtung für Individualisierte und Zellbasierte Medizintechnik IMTE
Mönkhofer Weg 239a
23562 Lübeck

Email: moritz.schaar(at)imte.fraunhofer.de
Phone: +49 451 384448 267


Research Assistant


Research Interests

  • Computed Tomography
  • Nuclear Imaging
  • Medical Image Processing

Curriculum Vitae

MORITZ SCHAAR was born in Halle/Saale, Germany in 1988. He received his Master of Science in Medical Engineering Science in 2013 from the University of Lübeck, Germany. During his study he was mainly interested in medical imaging and medical image processing. In 2013 he wrote his master thesis at the Philips Technologie GmbH – Innovative Technologies, Research Laboratories in Hamburg about rib segmentation in thorax radiographies. Since 04/2014 he is a student of the Graduate School for Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences and works in the field of combined reconstruction of Computed Tomography and Nuclear Medical Imaging in cooperation with the MiE medical imaging electronics GmbH in Seth, Germany.

The project is financially supported by the TANDEM II project (grant no. 122 13 002).


2023[ to top ]
  • Hellwege, L., Schaar, M., Buzug, T. M. and Stille, M.: Advanced Empirical Dual-Energy Calibration, 2023.
  • Hellwege, L., Schaar, M., Buzug, T. and Stille, M.: Enhancing virtual monoenergetic images for non-congruent dual-energy CT projection data, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 9, 674–677, 2023, DOI: 10.1515/cdbme-2023-1169.
2020[ to top ]
  • Bolke, A., Zvolsky, M., Kohlhase, N., Seeger, S., Schaar, M. and Rafecas, M.: Modelling of a Bi-Modal PET / Compton-Camera System for Non-Pure Positron Emitters, 1–3, 2020, DOI: 10.1109/NSS/MIC42677.2020.9507915.
  • Kohlhase, N., Wegener, T., Schaar, M., Bolke, A., Etxebeste, A., Sarrut, D. and Rafecas, M.: Capability of MLEM and OE to Detect Range Shifts with a Compton Camera in Particle Therapy, IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 4(2), 233–242, 2020, DOI: 10.1109/TRPMS.2019.2937675.
2019[ to top ]
  • Schaar, M. and Rafecas, M.: Modelling of Scatter in the System Matrix for 3D PET Image Reconstruction: a Comparative Study, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/nss/mic42101.2019.9059797.
  • Kohlhase, N., Wegener, T., Schaar, M., Bolke, A. and Rafecas, M.: Bildrekonstruktion von Compton-Kamera Daten unter Verwendung eines Hodoskops für die Reichweitenverifikation in der Partikeltherapie, 317, 2019.
  • Zvolsky, M., Schreiner, N., Seeger, S., Schaar, M., Rakers, S. and Rafecas, M.: Digital Zebrafish Phantom based on Micro-CT Data for Imaging Research, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/nss/mic42101.2019.9059702.
  • Zvolský, M., Seeger, S., Schmidt, C., Bruhn, D., Schaar, M., Weller, D. and Rafecas, M.: Nukleare in-vivo Bildgebung von Zebrafischen, 35, 2019.
  • Zvolsky, M., Seeger, S., Schaar, M., Schmidt, C. and Rafecas, M.: MERMAID - A PET Prototype for Small Aquatic Animal Imaging, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/nss/mic42101.2019.9059687.
  • Wegener, T., Kohlhase, N., Schaar, M., Bolke, A. and Rafecas, M.: Stochastic behavior of the Origin-Ensemble Algorithm – effect on ange verification in proton therapy using Compton-Cameras, 240, 2019.
2017[ to top ]
  • Schaar, M., Buzug, T. M. and Rafecas, M.: PET image reconstruction using the Origin Ensemble algorithm and geometric constraints, 549–553, 2017, DOI: 10.1515/cdbme-2017-0115.
2013[ to top ]
  • Schaar, M. and Erhardt, J.: Segmentation of Anatomical Structures using Statistical Shape Models based on Level Sets, 2013.