M.Sc. Johann Christopher Engster

Fraunhofer-Einrichtung für Individualisierte und Zellbasierte Medizintechnik IMTE
Mönkhofer Weg 239a
23562 Lübeck
Email: | johann.christopher.engster(at)imte.fraunhofer.de |
Phone: | +49 451 384448 312 |
Research Assistant
Research Interests
- Computed Tomography
- Medical Image Processing
Curriculum Vitae
JOHANN CHRISTOPHER ENGSTER was born in Oldenburg in Holstein, Germany in 1999. He received his B.Sc and M.Sc degrees in Robotics and Autonomous Systems from Universität zu Lübeck in 2020 and 2022. During his studies he was mainly interested in machine learning in medical applications. In 2022 he wrote his master thesis about the segmentation of cardiovascular vessels in histological sections at the Fraunhofer IMTE.
In 01/2023 he started as a research assistant at the Fraunhofer Research Institution for Individualized and Cell-Based Medical Engineering IMTE.